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Two buses from Montreal for Ottawa to attend the National March for Life have been chartered. Here are the details:

Bus 1

  • Departure towards Ottawa: 7am, 895 de la Gauchetière Street West, Montreal H3B 4G1 (Tim Hortons)
  • Return towards Montreal: 6pm, 95 Somerset Street West, Ottawa K2P 0H3 (St. Theresa church)

Bus 2

  • Departure towards Ottawa: 7am, Réno-Dépôt, 400 Brunswick Blvd. Pointe-Claire H9R 5X4
  • Return towards Montreal: 4pm, 95 Somerset Street West, Ottawa K2P 0H3

Both buses will be making two stops on the return trip – the first in Pointe-Claire and the second downtown.

60$ per person, 120$ per couple or family (couple + children under 18 y.o.), 40$ for students and seniors, 80$ elderly couples.

Contact person: Brian Jenkins (438) 930-8643.

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