Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” (Ephesians 6:14)

The backlash to the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States has been sharp and swift. As one head of the beast is cut off, many others rear up in attack. Both President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have mused about enshrining abortion as a “right” in law. Crisis pregnancy centres have been vandalized. The landscape of this debate is being transformed by “self-managed” abortions committed via chemical means.

On the other end of the spectrum, euthanasia is exploding in response to a host of social problems—poverty, a housing shortage, a collapsing health care system. Those suffering solely from mental illness will soon become eligible to be killed too. Infants, “mature minors,” and those making advance requests may become the next victims.

Evil abounds… but Our Lord is moving.

Our theme for the 2023 National March for Life is “STAND FIRM.”

  • STAND FIRM is a call to be strong for those who are weak. We will defend the preborn, mothers in crisis pregnancies, those targeted due to disability, and the elderly in hospitals and care homes. We will not sit on the sidelines but will take a position in favour of the vulnerable and marginalized.
  • STAND FIRM is a promise not to cede one inch of ground. As the abortion debate catches like wildfire, pro-lifers will be tempted to “moderate” our demands, to make our argument more palatable for public consumption—to make concessions and compromises now that we have a taste of success. We will not be swayed by popular opinion though. We will hold tightly to principle. We will STAND FIRM for the right to life of EVERY human being from conception to natural death, without exception.
  • STAND FIRM is a rallying cry to pro-lifers everywhere to refuse to back down no matter what wickedness this way comes. We will link arms and encourage each other. We will not be intimidated, nor cowed. We will dig in our heels and brace for impact.
  • STAND FIRM is a reminder to put on the armor of God, spiritually fortifying ourselves with truth, justice, and faith – not with worldly weapons. The violence of abortion and euthanasia will be met with the gospel of peace. We recognize that we fight not against abortionists and “doctors” who kill their patients, nor against death-pushing activists, nor Godless politicians; we lovingly fight for them—for their conversion. We fight for lives. We fight for souls.

“Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will accomplish for you today.” (Exodus 14:13)