About REAL Women of Canada

Formed in 1983,  REAL Women of Canada is a non-partisan, non-denominational organization of women (and men) from all walks of life, occupations, social and economic backgrounds. Some members work full or part time outside the home, while some mainly work in the home.

Our name defines our aim.  The word REAL is an acronym which means Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life.

REAL Women speaks for women who support the values of traditional family and marriage.  We believe the family is the most important union in Canadian society.  We see the fragmentation of the family as one of the major causes of disorder in society today.

Who We Are

Women are not all the same.  We are individuals, extremely different in our needs and interests.  No single group or ideology can represent the views of all women.
Most women agree with the concept of equality for women, but there are different approaches to achieving equality.  REAL Women believes the social and economic problems of women can be resolved only by considering the effects on family life and society as a whole.  We believe the family, the basic unit in society.  It is the ideal model to nurture the young, protect the vulnerable and care for the elderly.
The traditional roles of homemaker, wife and mother have changed as new opportunities have emerged outside the home for women.  One fact that has remained unchanged over the years is our need for family, children and other relationships.  The majority of women (90%) want or have children.

Our many options have challenged women to find new ways to combine our roles in society with our personal needs and family responsibilities.  A new women’s movement became necessary to integrate the requirements of family life into government legislation and policies.

REAL Women supports career choices for women, including the option of remaining at home.  Many women subordinate their careers, interests and financial needs of their families, by choosing to remain at home as full-time homemakers.  Dedication to the role of motherhood should be encouraged, not discouraged, by tax laws and legislation.  At the very least, government policies should remain neutral on the issue of career choice for women.  Public policy should treat women at home and in the workplace equally.

NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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