Life on Film Series – January 15 – May 7 2023
Sundays at 8:00 pm EDT
On selected Sundays from January to May, the National March for Life brings you free screenings
of new and acclaimed pro-life movies!
May 7, 2023 at 8:00 pm EDT
On-Line Film Screening of The Drop Box (Distributed by Focus on the Family)
With special guest Brian Ivie (TBD) and filmmaker Kevin Dunn
Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned on the streets of Seoul, South Korea, every year, forgotten by the surrounding culture.
The Drop Box is a documentary about the work of Pastor Lee Jong-rak and his heroic efforts to embrace and protect his community’s most vulnerable children. By installing a drop box outside his home, Pastor Lee provides a safe haven to babies who would otherwise be abandoned on the streets to die. This documentary is a heart-wrenching exploration of the physical and emotional toll associated with providing refuge to save those deemed unwanted by society. But it’s also a story of hope and a celebration of the reality that every human life is sacred, has a purpose and is worthy of love.
May 28, 2023 with special guests The Kooman Bros.
Online Screening of “MAiD for the Vulnerable “ (Part 1 of a Six Part Series from Unveil TV)
Details coming soon!
April 2, 2023
180 The Movie
This film may be one of the most gut-wrenching movies we’ve ever featured in our ongoing Life on Film series.
We have a special presentation lined up on Sunday, April 2 at 8:00 pm of 180 The Movie, an award-winning documentary that’s both eye-opening, powerful, and brutal.
The 180 documentary follows the film’s star and writer, Ray Comfort, as he interviews everyday people on the street about abortion.
This film gives us hope to see how quickly people can change their minds when they’re presented with different perspectives and they’re forced to think through the logic of their pro-abortion views.
This movie might make some people feel uncomfortable. The first 13 minutes or so are tough, but it’s laying the groundwork for the bigger picture.
The film draws comparisons between the Holocaust and abortion, and I know there’s some level of controversy about this topic in the pro-life movement.
There’s also graphic footage in the documentary of Holocaust victims, which some viewers will find disturbing, so I wouldn’t advise that you watch this around young children.
One other advisory to the parents reading this: the film is quite raw and includes some very upsetting commentary from the people Ray interviews.
With that said, there’s a powerful message in this film about the value of life – and about how abortion is offensive in the eyes of God …
Which is a reminder about why we must stand firm in our convictions when it comes to defending human life – from the moment of conception until natural death – because we never know when God will use our efforts to cut through someone’s spiritual blindness to the Truth.
CLCY’s Maeve Roche and Kim Headley will have a discussion about the 180 film after the screening. They’ll cover the controversial aspects of the movie and reveal some useful pro-life apologetics that can help you out if you ever find yourself in a debate about abortion.
March 12, 2023
LIFEMARK – Feature Film Screening and interview with special guests Kirk Cameron and Stephen Kendrick
“LIFEMARK” is a film from the acclaimed Kendrick Brothers (Courageous, War Room) starring Kirk Cameron. Based on a true story, the film highlights the beauty of adoption.
Sunday, February, 12, 2023
8:00 pm EDT
Double Feature of 99 Balloons & Along for the Ride
99 Balloons ( is beautiful film about a beautiful young family with an incredible understanding of what it means to celebrate life.
Along for the Ride ( is a powerful short film highlighting a baby’s relationship with her parents from inside of the womb.
January 15, 2023
“Unthinkable: In Conversation” with Abby Johnson and Drew Martin.
Learn about this amazing project exposing the abortion industry and how abortion workers are finding the courage to leave the business of abortion.