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Date: May 10, 2023

London-Area Right to Life Association will be sponsoring a bus to the Ottawa March for Life on May 11th.

Departure: Midnight on May 10th (please arrive no later than 11:45 PM May 10th) and will arrive back in London at midnight May 11th. Departing May 10 from St Justin’s Parish, 855 Jalna Blvd, London, ON N6E 2S2.

Snacks and beverages will be provided at no cost. Regular stops with bathroom on board.
We can make pickup stops near Ingersoll and near Woodstock if requested.

Cost: Tickets will be $50 per person

Contact: Call 519-659-3334 to book your tickets or call for more information. Email info@right2life.ca for more information.


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