Canada150 Facebook Frame
Canada will celebrate its 150 birthday on July 1st. Our nation has had a long history of protecting human life. In fact, our very first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald, said abortion “saps the very lifeblood of a nation.” We mourn the loss of the more than four million pre-born Canadian children who have been killed by abortion since 1969. Each of these children won’t be celebrating our country’s birthday, because they will never experience a birthday of their own.
Please join us in speaking out for our lost Canadian brothers and sisters by making use of our Social Media promotion.
We have created a number of social media profile images that you can upload as your own profile image and then make use of the Canada Facebook Frame found at
Here’s how your profile image will look using the Canada150 Facebook Frame
Instructions on how to upload the 150 Facebook frame can be found here: or see our instructions below.
Let’s remind Canadians of the value and dignity of human life at it’s earliest stage and help make Canada pro-life again.
Step 1:
Download your choice of profile image below and save
Step 2:
Log into your Facebook account and update your profile image using the image you just saved
Step 3:
Click here and look for a pinned post saying “Update your profile picture with this frame from Community Foundations of Canada.”
Step 4:
Click Try It at the bottom right of the post. Select how long you would like to use the frame (at bottom right)
Step 5:
Click”Use Profile Picture” and you’re done!