A March in Promise
Year by year, for the past 50 years, Canada has been cementing its abortion legacy. As China has restricted sex-selective abortion, the countries in the world without any law on abortion are actually only Canada and North Korea, and since the last federal election in 2015, the situation has only gotten direr here. Our federal government has launched a slew of attacks on life these past four years:
- The summer jobs program attestation has resulted in hundreds of religious, pro-life, and other organizations or businesses having funding withheld from them in an attempt to coerce them into swearing fidelity to “reproductive rights.” The newly modified attestation does not resolve this problem. Last year, Justin Trudeau said, “An organization that has the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion, the right for women to control their own bodies, is not in line with where we are as a government and quite frankly where we are as a society.”
- Our government has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into pushing abortion overseas, including in countries where it is illegal. We are midway though a 3-year $650 million spending pledge for promoting “sexual and reproductive rights” in the developing world.
- Ahead of Ireland’s referendum on its Eighth Amendment protecting the preborn, Justin Trudeau told Taoiseach Leo Varadkar that abortion should be treated as a “fundamental human right.”
- Members of the Liberal caucus bullied MP Rachael Harder (CPC, Lethbridge) out of serving as Chair of the Status of Women Committee due to her pro-life beliefs.
- Cassie and Molly’s Law, which would have provided legal recognition for preborn victims of crime and increased the penalties against those who assault pregnant women, was defeated in the House of Commons.
- Our federal government pressured PEI into carrying out abortions on the island.
- The loosening of restrictions around the abortion pill has been permitted.
- In addition, euthanasia/assisted suicide has been legalized and the conscience rights of health care providers have been compromised.
Even “pro-choicers” have come out saying that Trudeau is taking his abortion agenda too far, e.g. in his persecution of pro-lifers and his refusal to let any into the Liberal Party.
The fact of the matter is, not only do all of these attacks threaten the very lives of the preborn, but they also threaten the ability of the pro-life movement to fight back. It is quite possible that in the future, we won’t even be allowed to publicly espouse pro-life sentiments.
We promise not to lay down and let this happen. Campaign Life Coalition has been fighting harder than ever to fill Parliament with more pro-life representatives. We’ve spoken out against every attempt to silence us, and opposed every effort to shove abortion into every last nook and cranny of this world.
We need your constant assistance in this battle, because we cannot do it alone. We especially need it on May 9. We need as many people as possible to show up on Parliament Hill, the doorstep of our federal government, to join us in our promise to claw our way to the day when Canada is known worldwide not as a harbinger of death, but as a bringer of life. This 2019 March for Life, we march in promise not to stop until we end Canada’s abortion legacy.